typing keyboard

How to Create a Technical White Paper

A technical white paper is a comprehensive document that provides in-depth information about a particular technology, product, or solution. It serves as a valuable resource for technical professionals, decision-makers, and stakeholders who seek detailed insights into a specific topic.

Writing a technical white paper requires careful planning, research, and organization to effectively convey complex concepts and ideas. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a technical white paper that is informative, engaging, and impactful.

Real Estate Marketing

How Do I Market/Promote My Rental Property?

Summary: Promoting your own rental property can be challenging when first starting out. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most effective marketing methods to promote your rental property including local marketing, online marketing, social media marketing, and more.  We’ll also cover how to prepare your property to ensure it’s in pristine condition when your first potential renter arrives! How Do I Market/Promote My Rental Property? All your hard work Read more…

Comcast Sucks

Comcast Leaks Customer Wireless Router Information In Plaintext

As if we needed another reason to avoid Comcast, the cable giant (with the world’s worst customer support)  has been caught leaking private and confidential wireless router information in plaintext across the internet. After TechCrunch reported on this last month, Comcast has taken down the “service” that provided unauthorized users with Wi-Fi names and passwords. Here’s how it worked: Comcast created a website to help new users get their internet set up for the first Read more…

Manufacturing Tech

New Tech Trends in the Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry has continued to rise throughout 2015, and expectations continue to push forward. Much of this is due to technological advances and how companies are using technology to be more productive and efficient. With advances in technologies such as cloud computing, 3-D printing, predictive applications, and VoIP systems, manufacturing companies are able to maintain a higher level of productivity, while reducing costs and cutting down on maintenance and troubleshooting efforts. This article will Read more…

it provider

What to Look for in an IT Provider

An IT provider, also known as managed service provider, is a third party that provides IT services without the need for on-site installation and management. The services are typically provided via cloud computing and there are many benefits that appeal to companies. Those benefits include cost reduction, scalable service, reliability and security, and much more. When choosing an IT provider, there are many aspects that should be considered. The first thing that should be examined Read more…

Healthcare Technology

The Latest in Digital Healthcare Technologies

Digital healthcare is nothing new, but it has seen a surge in recent years, as technological advances are paving the way for digital healthcare in many locations. Some of the digital healthcare trends have evolved from simple electronic record keeping (which has been mandated since 2009), to using wearable tech gadgets during surgical procedures. Fitness trackers help people maintain a healthy lifestyle during their everyday activities, while tracking devices can keep up with elderly patients Read more…

Apple Homekit

What You Need to Know About Apple’s HomeKit

Apple’s HomeKit is one of the most popular systems for home automation. The Apple HomeKit allows users to operate home appliances and fixtures such as lights, thermostats, coffee makers, smoke alarms and much more, directly from an iOS device such as the iPhone or iPad. While home automation is not that new, the technology of Apple HomeKit is innovative and enhanced, as it allows users to operate many different devices from home or remote locations, Read more…


Why SEO is Important for Nonprofit Organizations

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing the way search engines such as Google and Yahoo view your web site, and where the results of that view place your site in search engine results. Every person who makes a web site dreams of having that site on the first page of search engine results. The reason for this is simple – over 94% of internet searchers never click through to the second page Read more…


5 Ways to Tell if Your Computer has Been Hacked

Computer hacking has become more prevalent in recent years, as technological advances and easy access to sophisticated hacking tools has made it simple for almost any novice script kiddie to hack into computers over the internet. But one of the worst aspects of computer hacking is that most often, the victims don’t even realize they have been attacked until it’s too late. Bank accounts can be wiped out, credit cards maxed out, personal information stolen, Read more…

marketing plan

Top 10 Free Marketing Strategies

The internet is full of marketing strategies, but which strategies actually work? The purpose is to gain customers, but if you can’t get visitors to your website or blog, they will never know how great your product or service is, and how beneficial it can be to them. In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 marketing strategies compiled and tested by marketing experts. Email Marketing While RSS, social media and Read more…

James Baysinger

Owner | Technical Writer